Jacquie, Robert, and Carlos Reflect on there Junior Achievement Experiences & E2 Competition
Interviewer: Thanks for joining us! Let’s start with introductions—tell us a bit about yourselves.
Jacquie: I’m a 12th grader from Northeast.
Robert: I’m also a senior at Northeast, part of student council, and I play baseball.
Carlos: Same here—12th grade at Northeast.
Interviewer: How did you first get involved with Junior Achievement (JA)?
Carlos: Last year, our teacher introduced JA and had us start our own business.
Robert: We saw students couldn’t leave campus for snacks, so we started a snack business to solve that problem.
Interviewer: Did you make any money?
Jacquie: Yeah! We made about $650 in a little over a month.
Interviewer: How did you get startup funds?
Carlos: We reached out to H-E-B, and they gave us a $150 donation—like an angel investment!
Interviewer: That’s incredible. What else has JA provided for you?
Thank you, Jungle Scout for generously donating 20 MacBooks for JA students to apply for.
Robert: We each won MacBooks! Our school laptops were really restricted, so these have given us more opportunities, especially for designing and working on student council projects.
Interviewer: What are you working on this year?
Carlos: We started a new company, Magical Arrangements. We help people create special moments by making gift baskets, bouquets, and posters.
Interviewer: Has it been valuable for you to have mentors? What have they provided that you might not have had without Junior Achievement and the volunteers mentoring you?
Robert: Definitely! Since last year, Ms Emily, really pushed us to our limits, encouraging us to be better and reach our full potential. She helped us see the little details we might miss, and those small edits make a big difference. She pushed us to do better because you call us out on it.
And Mr. John—when we presented our pitch to him, he believed in us and encouraged us to compete in the E2 competition. I remember the pep talk he gave us afterward—it really boosted our confidence in our business
Interviewer: Tell us about E2.
Carlos: It was nerve-wracking but an amazing experience. Ali, one of the E2 mentors, completely helped us revamped our presentation and helped us refine our skills. It was nice to meet her. She showed us, how do I say- our skills in different ways and put us in the position that we were best at, honestly, like with who read which slide, who started the introduction, who ended it, stuff like that, and even, like, rehearsing it with her. Yeah, it was a really nice experience.
Interviewer: How did it feel to present on stage?
Jacquie: Really intimidating! Competing against students from all over Austin was eye-opening. It was definitely something different. I never really had an experience like that where I was like on the spotlight before speaking in front of a lot of important people competing against each other.
Robert: Seeing the other kids our age to do the same thing was amazing, showing us, like, we're not the only ones in this, you know.
Interviewer: How did you do?
Robert: We won first place in our room and overall! We had to wait until the very end to hear our names—it was nerve-wracking but exciting.
Interviewer: What’s the biggest takeaway from your JA experience?
Carlos: Confidence. I’d never spoken in front of people like that before.
Robert: Critical thinking—learning to solve problems and think like an entrepreneur.
Jacquie: Understanding how business works in real life. Even if you don’t have resources, there are people willing to help.
Interviewer: What would you say to someone considering supporting JA?
Carlos: Do it! You never know where new opportunities will take you.
Robert: I'm honestly grateful for this opportunity. I really want to get into business, or, like, real estate when I'm older. And, I was really needing this. It really gave me a wonderful experience. And I hope you continue to give other people the same experience I got this year.
Jacquie: I think because JA really helped us learn early in our life, how things work in the future, to get a better future for ourselves.
Interviewer: What's the biggest thing you took away from this whole JA experience?
Robert: I feel like I got confidence because I've never talked in front of people like that, and this was just brand new to me. I feel like it helped me a lot with the confidence me personally, I feel like I've honed my critical thinking more and more this year with business and entrepreneurship and other things too, but, yeah, but I would say that's my biggest take away.
Jacquie: It's helped me understand how things are actually going to go in the future and that there's people, even if, we don't have other tools there's people who are willing to help us with what we were trying to do.
Interviewer: That’s beautiful. We’re so proud of you! Thanks for sharing your journey.
Thank you to our legion of volunteers and partners that are the wind behind the sails of JA and the future of Central Texas!