Northeast Early College High School Students Share their JA Journey

Jacquie, Robert, and Carlos Reflect on there Junior Achievement Experiences & E2 Competition

Click to watch CBS Austin news broadcast. Austin's young entrepreneurs shine at St. Edward's University in JA E2 competition (CBS Austin)

Interviewer: Thanks for joining us! Let’s start with introductions—tell us a bit about yourselves.

Jacquie: I’m a 12th grader from Northeast.

Robert: I’m also a senior at Northeast, part of student council, and I play baseball.

Carlos: Same here—12th grade at Northeast.

Interviewer: How did you first get involved with Junior Achievement (JA)?

Carlos: Last year, our teacher introduced JA and had us start our own business.

Robert: We saw students couldn’t leave campus for snacks, so we started a snack business to solve that problem.

Interviewer: Did you make any money?

Jacquie: Yeah! We made about $650 in a little over a month.

Interviewer: How did you get startup funds?

Carlos: We reached out to H-E-B, and they gave us a $150 donation—like an angel investment!

Interviewer: That’s incredible. What else has JA provided for you?

Thank you, Jungle Scout for generously donating 20 MacBooks for JA students to apply for.

Robert: We each won MacBooks! Our school laptops were really restricted, so these have given us more opportunities, especially for designing and working on student council projects.

Interviewer: What are you working on this year?

Carlos: We started a new company, Magical Arrangements. We help people create special moments by making gift baskets, bouquets, and posters.

Interviewer: Has it been valuable for you to have mentors? What have they provided that you might not have had without Junior Achievement and the volunteers mentoring you?

Robert: Definitely! Since last year, Ms Emily, really pushed us to our limits, encouraging us to be better and reach our full potential. She helped us see the little details we might miss, and those small edits make a big difference. She pushed us to do better because you call us out on it.

And Mr. John—when we presented our pitch to him, he believed in us and encouraged us to compete in the E2 competition. I remember the pep talk he gave us afterward—it really boosted our confidence in our business

Interviewer: Tell us about E2.

Carlos: It was nerve-wracking but an amazing experience. Ali, one of the E2 mentors, completely helped us revamped our presentation and helped us refine our skills. It was nice to meet her. She showed us, how do I say- our skills in different ways and put us in the position that we were best at, honestly, like with who read which slide, who started the introduction, who ended it, stuff like that, and even, like, rehearsing it with her. Yeah, it was a really nice experience.

Interviewer: How did it feel to present on stage?

Jacquie: Really intimidating! Competing against students from all over Austin was eye-opening. It was definitely something different. I never really had an experience like that where I was like on the spotlight before speaking in front of a lot of important people competing against each other.

Robert: Seeing the other kids our age to do the same thing was amazing, showing us, like, we're not the only ones in this, you know.

Interviewer: How did you do?

Robert: We won first place in our room and overall! We had to wait until the very end to hear our names—it was nerve-wracking but exciting.

Interviewer: What’s the biggest takeaway from your JA experience?

Carlos: Confidence. I’d never spoken in front of people like that before.

Robert: Critical thinking—learning to solve problems and think like an entrepreneur.

Jacquie: Understanding how business works in real life. Even if you don’t have resources, there are people willing to help.

Interviewer: What would you say to someone considering supporting JA?

Carlos: Do it! You never know where new opportunities will take you.

Robert: I'm honestly grateful for this opportunity. I really want to get into business, or, like, real estate when I'm older. And, I was really needing this. It really gave me a wonderful experience. And I hope you continue to give other people the same experience I got this year.

Jacquie: I think because JA really helped us learn early in our life, how things work in the future, to get a better future for ourselves.

Interviewer: What's the biggest thing you took away from this whole JA experience?

Robert: I feel like I got confidence because I've never talked in front of people like that, and this was just brand new to me. I feel like it helped me a lot with the confidence me personally, I feel like I've honed my critical thinking more and more this year with business and entrepreneurship and other things too, but, yeah, but I would say that's my biggest take away.

Jacquie: It's helped me understand how things are actually going to go in the future and that there's people, even if, we don't have other tools there's people who are willing to help us with what we were trying to do.

Interviewer: That’s beautiful. We’re so proud of you! Thanks for sharing your journey.

Thank you to our legion of volunteers and partners that are the wind behind the sails of JA and the future of Central Texas!

JA Worldwide Nominated for the 2025 Nobel Peace Prize

We’re proud to announce that JA Worldwide has been nominated for the 2025 Nobel Peace Prize.

Nobel Peace Prize nominations may be received from heads of state, certain elected officials and cabinet members, university professors in select fields, past Nobel laureates, and other notable individuals, as laid out by the Nobel Nominating Committee. A number of eligible advocates approached us about nominating JA Worldwide and, although the identity of each nominee officially remains anonymous for 50 years, we are thrilled to have been given evidence that we were nominated again this year. The organization was first nominated in 2022—in recognition for JA’s contribution to economic empowerment, prosperity, and peace—and has been nominated every year since.

JA Worldwide is one of the largest youth-serving organizations in the world, combining deep local roots with a global network that spans 100+ countries. We delivered more than 19 million student learning experiences last year, creating a pipeline of skilled, entrepreneurial, and ethically minded young leaders, ready to fuel industries, drive innovation, create social stability, and strengthen economies.

Through our century of impact, JA has operated in big cities, rural communities, and everywhere in between, including in areas of political instability, violence, and war. Even in refugee camps, students not only build resilience in the face of trauma and chaos, but also develop hope for their futures as job creators, leaders, and innovators who actively contribute to the peace of their communities.

As economic instability grows around the world, Asheesh Advani, CEO of JA Worldwide, recognizes the challenges: “The next decade will demand a workforce that is not just skilled, but adaptable and entrepreneurial. With AI transforming the world, millions of young people face the risk of being left behind—unemployable, unproductive, and disheartened—leaving economies to stagnate and societies to falter. JA prepares young people for the road ahead, providing skills-based education and empowering a shift in mindset from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can.’”

Karen Reddington, Chair of JA Worldwide, added: “Education and economic empowerment lead to prosperity. Without prosperity for all communities, peace is not sustainable.”

Between 1901 and 2024, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to 142 laureates, including 111 individuals and 31 organizations. Among those 31 organizations is another nonprofit from the annual list of the top ten social-good organizations, Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. UNICEF, another youth-serving organization, was awarded the prize in 1965, after being nominated for a number of years. Last year, Japanese atomic-bomb survivor’s group Nihon Hidankyo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for raising awareness of the devastating effects of nuclear weapons.

January is National Mentoring Month

Meet John Fuex!

 What is your JA history?  
I was first introduced to JA during my employer’s annual day of volunteering, when I worked on assembling classroom kits and teacher appreciation bags.  I got excited about the mission of JA after learning about it and reached out independently from my company to volunteer. Since then, I have been volunteering on and off teaching financial literacy and entrepreneurship in the classroom at the high school and grade school levels. I also got more involved at my company as an advocate for continuing our relationship with JA and was the company’s site lead for our volunteering day with JA in 2024. 

Why do you think JA is important? 

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. What I love about JA is that it enables us to improve outcomes for the people it serves proactively. While I appreciate other nonprofits that help people recover from difficult situations, it feels much more impactful to provide the students with the knowledge and encouragement to navigate all the choices they will soon be making as they cross the threshold into adulthood. These choices can have a lifelong impact for the financial well-being of the students and their families. 

The most important thing I think we do is to demystify financial/business topics and debunk the idea that starting or investing in a business is only something available to the rich or super smart. There is no arcane knowledge only taught at ivy league schools.  There is no secret handshake required to play, just a little basic knowledge, enthusiasm, and courage to try. 

Why do you volunteer and why should others? 

I just love mentoring and career coaching.  This was my favorite part of my day job. JA is a great opportunity to apply these skills I developed over the last three decades. Also, it is a great way to “pay it forward”. God knows my own career success was in no small part possible because of all the people who mentored/encouraged me throughout my career, including the JA volunteers who came into my classroom when I was in high school way back in (year redacted).  

What is a piece of financial advice you rely on or wish you had learned earlier? 

Always pay yourself first. Get in the habit of saving at least SOMETHING on a regular basis as early as possible in life. Don’t procrastinate or fall into the trap of “I will start saving later when I earn more” You will NEVER feel like you have ‘extra money’ for savings no matter how much you earn. Compounding is a magical thing that makes your money grow, but it requires time to work. Having SOME money invested is often more important than how much you invest. 

What about the entrepreneurship experience with the JA Company Program do you value when teaching students? 

The start of each semester with a new high school class can be very challenging to get the students to engage or even participate in the program. However, there is usually a point later in the course where the material will “click” with at least a few of the students who realize that this isn’t just some esoteric concept beyond their reach, AND that it could be relevant in their real lives.  

There is a huge sense of accomplishment when the students start asking substantive questions out of genuine interest. The Icing on the cake is when they voluntarily stay a few minutes after class to probe deeper vs instead of bolting the second the bell rings. 

Pro-tip: If you want that gratification from day one, volunteer for the grade school levels instead of high school. You will be a celebrity from the moment you walk in the room, and they will hang on every word. 😊 

What is some advice you would give your high school self? 

Take on more risks and spend more time outside your comfort zone. Failure is a good thing as you are learning from it. Don’t be afraid to take chances for fear of failure. Success is inexorably linked to risk. 

A Note to John from the staff at JA of Central Texas

John, we are beyond grateful for your unwavering service and dedication. You have gone above and beyond to create meaningful change for hundreds of students, inspiring them to dream bigger and work harder toward their goals. Your kindness, expertise, and passion for mentorship resonate deeply with your students, leaving a lasting impact on their lives.

Moreover, your efforts extend beyond the classroom, as you empower educators with valuable tools and resources to better support their students. By fostering confidence and equipping young people with the skills they need to succeed, you are directly advancing our mission to transform lives and build stronger communities.

Thank you for your incredible commitment and for being a true champion of education and opportunity. We are so fortunate to have you as part of this journey!

~JA Staff

Empowering Students at JA Finance Park: A December to Remember

We, along with our thoughtful volunteers, brought learning to life at our first of two JA Finance Parks this year. Students stepped into adult roles, managing budgets, and making financial decisions while tackling real-world challenges like income disparities and prioritizing expenses. Guided by dedicated volunteers like Rick from Bank OZK, who called it “a great way for kids to interact without filters,” students gained firsthand experience in navigating financial responsibilities. Shlonda from R Bank and Monica also found the event rewarding, with Shlonda sharing, “The kids were awesome. I had a great time learning with them,” and Monica noting, “Hearing what they wanted to spend on sparked great discussions.” Educator, Amy Warshauer, from Lively Middle School added, “I loved the hands-on activities, ratio of mentor to students, organization and flow of the lessons. Great communication and thank you for treating the teachers to an amazing experience along with their students.

The impact of JA Finance Park extended beyond the classroom as students left inspired and motivated to take charge of their futures. A Burnet Middle School student shared, “I am inspired to take a new action with my money and future. It helps me to be more organized in my expenses.” Another Burnet Middle School student reflected, “It inspired me to actually want to be someone or do something in life. It inspired me to want to study cosmetology.” This mix of financial literacy and personal growth highlighted the transformative power of the program, helping students connect their ambitions to actionable steps.

To cap off their experience, students toured the ACC Make-It Center, a hands-on facility that broadened their horizons and introduced them to potential career paths and technical skills. This seamless blend of practical learning and career exploration underscores JA’s commitment to equipping students with the tools to make informed decisions and achieve their dreams. Thanks to the enthusiasm of students and the dedication of volunteers, JA Finance Park continues to be a gateway to brighter futures.

Thank you to all those that made JA Finance Park possible!

JA E2: Entrepreneurship & Empowerment Summit Area-Wide Pitch Competition

Nearly 150 students from eight area high schools attended Junior Achievement’s E2: Entrepreneurship & Empowerment Pitch Competitions at St. Edward’s University to participate in an areawide pitch competition. 

JA E2 offers students a unique Austin entrepreneurial experience, connecting them with diverse professionals and building their self-confidence. The experience begins in the classroom where students work with mentors to learn entrepreneurial skills like design thinking, business planning, budgeting through several sessions that lead up to a classroom pitch competition. The top teams from each school are then invited to E2.

On the E2 field trip day, students work with coaches to polish their presentations and practice public speaking. The day culminates in a pitch competition judged by a panel.

The day’s big winners were Northeast Early College High School, whose team, Magical Arrangements, clinched first place with their heartwarming business concept: personalized greetings for high schoolers, designed for special moments like proposals. These future business leaders walked away with a trophy, cash prize, and, of course, bragging rights.

All of the students brought their best to E2 with innovative ideas and thoughtful business plans. We are so proud of every team for their courage to pitch and the hard work it took to get to E2.

E2 is designed to inspire students to discover their potential, develop an entrepreneurial mindset, and build confidence in a fun, supportive environment

This year’s judges included: 

  • JC Estrada, Anchor on CBS Morning News and Independent Filmmaker with Arco Iris Productions

High Schools in Attendance:

  • Akins Early College High School

  • Northeast  Early College High School

  • Travis  Early College High School

  • McCallum High School

  • Anderson High School

  • Austin High School

  • Weiss High School, PFISD

Thank you to our Partners that made E2 possible!

JA Alumni Story: From Classroom to Career in Finance with James Stack


For many students, a career path is something that gradually comes into focus, but for me, Junior Achievement (JA) played a pivotal role in sharpening that vision. My journey with JA began in my sophomore year at Rock Canyon High School in Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Between 2017 and 2019, I was enrolled in business courses that connected our class with JA programs, sparking an early interest in the financial services industry and giving me hands-on experiences I never expected to have in high school.

Through JA, I had the opportunity to explore real-world business scenarios and build skills that went beyond textbooks. We learned resume building, practiced for interviews, and even took on Stock Market challenges that introduced us to investing. I also had the unique chance to teach financial basics to elementary students, which reinforced my understanding of core concepts and taught me the value of financial literacy at all ages. And with some of our classes held at incredible venues, like the Charles Schwab campus in Lone Tree, we experienced what it’s like to step into a professional world early on.

Looking back, I realize just how essential JA is for students today. Business isn’t usually part of a K-12 curriculum, but JA bridges that gap, helping students like me become well-rounded and business-savvy. By introducing concepts like entrepreneurship and professionalism early, JA gives young people an edge—whether they’re aiming for higher education or preparing to enter the workforce directly. Personally, JA inspired me to pursue a business degree in college, which led me down a rewarding path in financial services.

One of my JA mentors offered simple yet powerful advice that has stayed with me: “Be your own biggest advocate in business, and avoid every type of debt you can.” That guidance has helped me in more ways than I can count, reminding me of the importance of making smart financial choices and betting on myself.

If I could give my high school self one piece of advice, it would be to start saving early. The impact of saving and investing, thanks to the power of compounding, is incredible and can make a huge difference over time. Thanks to JA, I learned these lessons early on, and I’ll carry them forward for the rest of my life.

The UPS Store and Austin FC's welcome JA students on the field!

JA Students Experience Austin FC’s Education Day, Thanks to JA’s Collaboration with The UPS Store!

A group of Junior Achievement students recently had an unforgettable experience with Austin FC on Education Day. Thanks to the generosity of The UPS Store and Austin FC, these students enjoyed free game tickets, a behind-the-scenes tour of Q2 Stadium, and even walked onto the field alongside the players!

About the JA and The UPS Store Partnership:

As part of their Start Small, Grow Big program, The UPS Store locations in various JA Areas have been inspiring young entrepreneurs and fostering big dreams. The UPS Store’s support made this memorable experience possible and has enabled more of JA’s life-changing opportunities for students. Through their fundraising efforts, The UPS Store network has raised $2.9 million, providing essential support to 100 JA Areas nationwide, including JA of Central Texas!

For more details, read The UPS Store’s Press Release and see comments from The UPS Store President about this impactful partnership.

“We are beyond grateful to The UPS Store network and their Start Small, Grow Big program for their transformative contribution,” said Jack E. Kosakowski, newly retired President & CEO of Junior Achievement USA. “This generous investment significantly contributes to the mission of our organization and our goal of supporting young people who are exploring starting their own business in the future. With The UPS Store network’s support, we can equip young minds with the tools they need to thrive in an evolving entrepreneurial landscape.”

Visit for more information about the Start Small, Grow Big program.  

Read The UPS Store’s press release.

Oracle’s Focus on Education for JA Students

What an incredible opportunity for JA students from three Greater Austin Area high schools—Weiss High School, Anderson High School, and Travis Early College High School. These students, along with their educators, had an enriching experience touring Oracle’s impressive offices, followed by engaging in JA’s work-readiness activities, including resume building, career exploration, and mock interviews facilitated by dedicated Oracle volunteers.

We are deeply grateful that our students have opportunities like this to explore diverse career paths and gain essential skills that prepare them for the workforce and their future dream careers.

“The interaction from Oracle staff with students was the best I've seen in years—very relevant and relatable,” shared Stephanie Matula, an educator at Weiss High School.

The expertise and mentorship of Oracle’s volunteers truly brought the JA activities to life, making this experience both impactful and memorable. Partnerships like this are invaluable, offering students critical real-world exposure while providing Oracle employees a meaningful way to give back to the community.

“A great opportunity to connect with local high schoolers about their interests and provide tools to help equip them as they progress. Well put together,” remarked Oracle volunteer Casey Medina.

These collaborations are pivotal in shaping our students’ futures, and we are thankful for Oracle’s role in this transformative experience.

Thank you to all those that made this possible! Shout out to Vanessa Frates for her advocacy for JA and volunteerism at Oracle.

Read below to learn more about Vanessa’s JA story.

Meet Vanessa Frates, Volunteering & Social Impact Specialist at Oracle and JA Volunteer

What is your JA history?
As an Oracle employee with Social Impact, JA is a global and local grantee in Austin! I try to arrange as many volunteering opportunities with JA and Oracle employees as possible.

Why do you think JA- learning experiences and mentoring focusing
on work readiness, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship?

In my experience, these are subjects are vital information that is
missing from our young students and graduates. Many high
schools don’t educate on these important topics, or at least not
enough to suffice.

Why did you collaborate with JA and why should others?
I collaborate with JA not just because they are a grantee of Oracle,
but because of how much JA has in order! Emily Long has
made the partnership a joy and genuinely enjoy planning
activities that benefit Oracle employees and most importantly, the

What worked well about your collaboration with JA?
Our collaboration works well because JA feels like a well-oiled
machine and the projects are already in place to enact. We just
need the students and volunteers to make it happen. It doesn’t
feel like we are starting from scratch because the guidelines and
ideas can be easily implemented.

Would you work with JA again?
Over and over and over again! Always!

What is some advice you would give your high school self? Ex.
personal, financial, career/academic, philosophical, etc…?
Start a savings account and never miss your schedule to add to it.
Every 2 weeks? Great. Once a month? Fine. Even if it’s $15 each
time, create the habit of doing it!

H-E-B "TV Favorites" Bowl-a-thon- 23 Years and Counting!

H-E-B Partners have participated in bowl-a-thons benefiting JA of Central Texas over the last 23 years! Partners have donated over $600,000! This year they once again rose to the occasion of “Helping Here,” by raising $25,000 and having 50 teams bowling. Each team raises $500 by personal contributions, or by selling hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn and more at their stores to benefit JA! Thank you to all the Partners that participated at team members and volunteers! We couldn’t do what we do with out you all! Shout out to all that bought those hotdogs and popcorn to help your H-E-B raise funds for JA!

We are forever grateful to Partners- Tamra Jones, Jon Salazar, and Collin Miller for your leadership and collaboration on this annual event.

On a personal note from Emily Long.

“I have now worked with H-E-B for seven years. It is hard to explain the beauty in the work culture that is H-E-B because it is so unique. Not only the diversity in their staffing or the equity in their management style but the kindness they show each other and unwavering support of charitable endeavors. H-E-B stores have individually supported JA, our local schools, and educators by not only donating to the bowl-a-thon but also by collaborating on educator recognition events, donating breakfast items, gift cards, water bottles, and much more.

H-E-B is more than just a workplace but it is a way of life. If you look up a Partner on LinkedIn, it probably won’t have a headshot or detailed information from past jobs. It usually only has H-E-B with a start date to present. H-E-B creates more than a group of work colleagues selling groceries but a family working to do more and be more for their communities. I am truly honored that I and JA of Central Texas have been invited in to that family.”

#HelpingHere #HEB4JA

Celebrating JA Student, Sydney Nguyen, at the Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 Gulf South

What an inspirational night celebrating Sydney Nguyen, JA entrepreneurship student, Founder of Catch-A-Coach, and the Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 Gulf South, Central Texas Student Scholarship recipient. Congratulations to all of the game-changing EOY finalists and winners! Much gratitude to EY, Anna Horndahl, and the EOY team for this incredible annual experience for our JA students!
Shout out to the Founders of BeatBox for sharing your entrepreneurial and college insights with Sydney!
Partnerships like these help more young people to see the possibilities!
#EOYUS hashtag #EOYGULFSOUTH #OpportunityIsForEveryone

Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards

The Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards Special Commendation:

We are thrilled to announce that we have earned the Special Commendation for Best Entrepreneurship Education for our National Student Leadership Summit and JA Company Program® (JACoPro)from the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards! Thank you to the Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards for recognizing our efforts, and a HUGE thank you to our dedicated students, and supportive community.

In Austin this year, we delivered JACoPro, impacting over 300 students, at Anderson High School, Austin High School, Garza Independence High School, Navarro Early College High School, Northeast Early College High School, and Canyon Vista Middle School.

Together, we are making a difference!

#EntrepreneurshipEducation #MAIAwards #FinancialInclusion #Empowerment #EducationExcellence #NSLS #JACoPro

JA Our Community® receives EIFLE Award

Excellence in Financial Literacy Educational Award

We're proud to share that Junior Achievement is being recognized by the Institute for Financial Literacy receiving an EIFLE award for our commitment to education innovation with JA Our Community® in the category of Children's Education Programs of the Year: Earning Income. Thank you to the Institute for Financial Literacy for this honor, and all our partners for your trust and support.

In Austin we, along with our volunteers, delivered this program at Wooten Elementary School, Jubilee Academy Wells Branch, Oak Springs Elementary School and Guerrero Thompson Elementary School.

Together, we are shaping the future of education!

Deloitte Impact Day 2024

We are grateful for partners like Deloitte that offer their expertise and volunteer power to create an impactful day of JA support. Deloitte volunteers came together for it rebuilding, stewardship, and a meaningful mentoring session for ten high school JA students from the greater Austin community. Students had the opportunity to work with the professionals at Deloitte to participate in mock interview, resume reviews, and student business audits.

“Had a very good experience. Very much appreciate the time Deloitte gave and feedback I received on resume and mock interview. Thank you for the opportunity.” Keegan, JA student participant

Canyon Vista Middle School Entrepreneurship Mentor Reflects on Volunteering with JA

And why you should consider joining him in the classroom.

Austin (community) this is my personal invitation asking you to get involved with exposing & educating young adult students toward entrepreneurial learning. It's a wonderful and meaningful way to give back to our Austin business community and create the next generation of SMB rising stars and leaders. I have been committed to JA since 2016.  

Junior Achievement is looking for 30 volunteers for the fall semester. I have been at Canyon Vista Middle School (Spicewood Springs and 183) one of the the Round Rock Middle Schools for 8 years. JA will be in 11 campuses this coming school year. Suzannah Gravatt is the Austin District Director so please reach reach out to her if interested.

Your time commitment starts with picking a day in the week that works best for you. Class time is 50 minutes. You will select either a middle or high school and if like past years we will start in early October and end in mid April.

Junior Achievement has a 6 week module in the fall which is an "Intro into Entrepreneurship" called JA It's My Business. Each week, with your ID and password JA provides a manual, slides, video's, Q&A and self help support for the 6 sessions which are: Entrepreneurs - Market & Need - Innovative ideas - Design & Prototype - Testing the Market - Seek Funding and It's My Business get them ready for the 13 week JA Company Program session.  

Junior Achievement's Company Program is the spring semester and is 13 weeks long. In past years we start just before the December two week break enabling students to come back in January ready, willing and able. Again, as a volunteer and with your ID and password, you will provide direction and give the students the necessary leadership information, guidance and direction to run a company.

It's a heartfelt experience seeing 12 to14 year old 8th graders become stake holders by investing their own money from $5 to $50, and with your direction and experience select a product or service, create colorful flyers, descriptive sales order forms, source the product, manage inventory, create a business banking account, sell and distribute inventory, encouraging the Leadership Team to hold weekly "report out sessions" from the 5 departments focused on "what have we done last week" and "what do we need to do this week" to stay on plan, let their objectives and then dissolve the company and pay stake holders back their investment plus the profits of their business enterprise experience.  

At Canyon Vista Middle School the 5 departments are Finance, Marketing, Sales, Supply Chain and Mgmt & Leadership. Class size is from 20 to 26 students and after they complete the aptitude assessment you and they will break themselves in to 5 groups of 3 to 5 individuals in each department.  

Adding your business & personal experience and then seeing individuals become team players and contributors has been one of my year-over-year rewarding accomplishments. This past year my class selected Animal Grams, little fuzzy animals with a hook to attach to backpacks. They sold them for $3 each and 2 for $5. They funded their business with close to $400 and after paying their expenses, netted a 100% net profit in 13 weeks.  

Thanks for your interest and please give this some serious consideration. We need you, your network and your neighbors to make this the BEST EVER year for JA Austin. 

 -Ed Stillman, Senior Chair Vistage, Austin Texas

Jack E. Kosakowski Retiring as CEO of Junior Achievement USA After 50-Year Career; Jack Harris Named Incoming CEO



May 16, 2024

Contact: Ed Grocholski, Junior Achievement USA, (719) 540-6165

Colorado Springs, CO – It was announced today that on June 30, 2024, Jack E. Kosakowski will retire as President & CEO of Junior Achievement USA (JA) after a 50-year career at JA. He will be succeeded by Jack Harris, current President & CEO of 3DE National, on July 1, 2024.

Starting as a student in the Junior Achievement program in Toledo, Ohio, Kosakowski attended the University of Toledo on a Junior Achievement scholarship. Over the years, he served as President of JA in Toledo, President of JA of Wisconsin, and in several leadership positions at JA Worldwide, Junior Achievement’s global parent. He was named President and CEO of Junior Achievement USA in 2007.

During Jack Kosakowski’s tenure with Junior Achievement USA, the organization engaged approximately 3.5 million volunteers in delivering JA learning experiences to nearly 70 million students. Some of his accomplishments include the digital transformation of JA’s learning experiences, strategic organizational and financial changes that strengthened the entire Junior Achievement organization, and his leadership through one of the most challenging times in JA’s history during the pandemic. Junior Achievement is in the strongest position it’s been in its 105-year history as a result of Jack Kosakowski’s leadership.

"Throughout my five decades with Junior Achievement, I've witnessed the transformational power of equipping young people with the skills and confidence to shape their own futures,” said Jack Kosakowski. “This organization has been a beacon of hope, helping students around the world unlock their potential, pursue their dreams, and contribute meaningfully to society. As I step into retirement, I am deeply proud of the impact we've had and the countless lives we've touched. I look forward to seeing Junior Achievement continue to inspire and empower generations to come. Having worked with Jack Harris for over twenty years, I am confident that he will lead the organization to achieve even bigger and better results."

Jack Harris established 3DE Schools in 2019 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Junior Achievement USA. Before this, Harris served as President & CEO of Junior Achievement of Georgia for 10 years. His Junior Achievement career began in 2002 when he joined JA Worldwide as its Director of International Operations. He holds a degree in Politics and a certificate in Political Economy from Princeton Universityand spent parts of his early career in both education and business. Harris will assume the combined roles of CEO of JA USA and 3DE National with the planned consolidation of leadership between 3DE National and JA USA on July 1, 2024

“Junior Achievement has unparalleled scope and scale for delivering comprehensive education solutions that accelerate economic opportunity and mobility for young people. Jack Kosakowski has set a tremendous legacy of leadership, and we are fortunate to be able to build on that momentum,” said Jack Harris. “I’m excited for the opportunities ahead of us, and thankful for the many incredible team members, partners, and stakeholders who join with JA daily to drive meaningful impact and differentiated value in communities across the country.”

About 3DE

3DE is focused on systemically reengineering high school education to significantly expand economic opportunity for all students. Through integrated public-private partnerships, 3DE uses case methodology to redesign learning and create academic environments that are more relevant, experiential, and authentically connected to life beyond the classroom walls.

About Junior Achievement USA® (JA)

Junior Achievement is the world's largest organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their future, and make smart academic and economic choices. JA learning experiences are delivered by corporate and community volunteers and provide relevant, hands-on experiences that give students from kindergarten through high school knowledge and skills in financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, Junior Achievement is expanding its reach to 18-to-25-year-olds to provide young adults with critical life skills, as well as to pre-K youth to ensure children get a solid head start. Today, JA reaches more than 4.4 million students per year in 102 markets across the United States as part of 12.5 million students served by operations in more than 100 other countries worldwide. Junior Achievement USA is a member of JA Worldwide.

For more information, visit

JA F.E.M. Forum 2024

What an inspirational day in celebration of elevating JA’s innovative education and discussing the importance of breaking down the barriers for women is underrepresented careers.

Not only was the event a success with all of our attendees for the compelling content, mentoring session, and delicious food but we raised close to $100,000 which will propel the mission of JA in to the 24-25 school year!

This full circle event also includes the opportunity for adult attendees from the business community to mentor students through a JA activity. This year, in partnership with Experian, we had students work on the 5-3-1 goal setting challenge that also served as the kick-off to a $15,000 or $5,000 scholarship opportunity. We had 60 students join from Anderson, Travis, Weiss, and Navarro High Schools.

About: JA F.E.M. Forum (Financial Equity Mission) is JA of Central Texas’s educational fundraising lunch event to celebrate and empower women of all ages which includes:

  • Connecting local business professionals and outstanding high school students for an interactive activity.

  • Meaningful table conversations

  • Compelling JA student speakers

  • Panel discussion

  • Networking

Each year we focus on different topics around financial gender inequities. Past years have included knowing your value and how to monetize it, growing wealth and long term planning, entrepreneurial equity, and ramifications of bias. This year, we explored careers and educational paths where women are underrepresented and celebrated the resilience and the paths created by women, like the ones on our panel, to help future generations of young women know there is a way forward for them in STEM careers.

Cheers to our fearless committee- Lisa Kottler, Tamra Jones, Anna Horndahl, Julia Knable, and Melissa Thomas for a your commitment to JA and helping to pave the way for more equitable spaces in education and in the career world.

Shoutout to our talented and thoughtful emcees Allison Miler and JC Estrada from CBS Austin morning news that volunteered their time and talents!

Much gratitude to our accomplished panelist of brave women that are paving the way for the next generation. Monica Muñoz Andry, Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, President and CEO, Donna Carter, FAIA, NOMA, NCARB- Architect and Founder of Carter Design Associates, Sinyale Woods, Principal at Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. | PE, MBA, and Christina Corona, Head of Operational Excellence / Chief of Staff Global Operations for National Instruments

Thank you, Partners, for making F.E.M. & JA possible!






#DeltaServes #ExperianJA


Questions about JA F.E.M. Forum?


JA Students Travel to Baylor University for the Bear Challenge

Congratulations to our Austin Area teen entrepreneurs from Akins ECHS, Anderson HS, Northeast ECHS, and Travis ECHS! 🎉 They've just rocked the Bear Venture Ideation Challenge alongside Houston schools, hosted by Baylor University - Hankamer School of Business and the Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship and Free Enterprise!

Anderson High School Entrepreneurship Team

These young innovators unleashed their creativity by crafting and pitching innovative products and services to meet real-world needs. One team from Anderson HS proudly secured 3rd place and four teams received honorable mentions - they are testament to the vibrant entrepreneurial spirit of Central Texas!

Let's give a round of applause to our JA students and celebrate the boundless potential of youth entrepreneurship!👏

JA Finance Park

What an incredibly powerful and fun week of financial literacy and camaraderie for the middle and high school students from Webb Middle, Jubilee Academy, and Travis Early College High School. Thanks to our Educational and Business Partners, 491 students participated in JA Finance Park- a 32% increase from 22-23 with 75% projected growth during the 24-25 school year.

JA Finance Park is a testament to JA’s proven model to deliver the mission by providing not only our highly vetted curriculum but serving as the educational conduit for our business community and our schools.

For our volunteers from the business community this is the perfect mix of team building and philanthropy. Volunteers serve as mentors for the students, working together to serve our community’s young people. It is a highly impactful experience for both volunteers and students alike.

For our schools, this is a Texas Educational Knowledge Standards (TEKS) aligned, hands-on, and deeply meaningful experience with mentors where student learn the impact of their educational and career choices along with the tools to make sound financial decisions.

Together, we can deliver on the belief that Opportunity is for Everyone.


Thank you to Paul Gerling and Comerica Bank for their Title Partnership of JA Finance Park and helping the next generation to be economically empowered.

Shout out to our dedicated Day Sponsors!


AUSTIN, TEXAS, February 2024- Austin Area teen entrepreneurs will go head-to-head against Houston Area teen entrepreneurs at the Baylor University Bear Challenge

Twenty-five Junior Achievement (JA) of Central Texas students have been selected as finalists to compete at the Bear Challenge Venture Ideation Challenge on April 12 and 13, 2024 for cash awards. The students will travel to Baylor University in Waco, Texas for a two-day event to compete with twenty-five teen entrepreneurs from Junior Achievement of Southeast Texas. This venture challenge is a quick-thinking ideation to pitch challenge designed to have students think big while building confidence in their ideas.

The Austin students represent Akins Early College High School, Anderson High School, Northeast Early College High School, and Travis Early College High School. These students were selected because of their outstanding participation in JA’s entrepreneurship programs. Under the guidance of a volunteer from their local business community, they devised a product or service designed to fill an unmet consumer need. They produced a company concept, prototyped, worked on marketing their company then created a pitch to simulate a start-up pitch competition for recruiting investors for their company.

The student companies will be assessed on how they plan to solve their customer’s problem, business model, and pitch content and presentation. 

About Junior Achievement USA® (JA) 

Junior Achievement is the world's largest organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their future, and make smart academic and economic choices. JA programs are delivered by corporate and community volunteers, and provide relevant, hands-on experiences that give students from kindergarten through high school knowledge and skills in financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship. 

Visit for more information. 

