H-E-B "TV Favorites" Bowl-a-thon- 23 Years and Counting!

H-E-B Partners have participated in bowl-a-thons benefiting JA of Central Texas over the last 23 years! Partners have donated over $600,000! This year they once again rose to the occasion of “Helping Here,” by raising $25,000 and having 50 teams bowling. Each team raises $500 by personal contributions, or by selling hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn and more at their stores to benefit JA! Thank you to all the Partners that participated at team members and volunteers! We couldn’t do what we do with out you all! Shout out to all that bought those hotdogs and popcorn to help your H-E-B raise funds for JA!

We are forever grateful to Partners- Tamra Jones, Jon Salazar, and Collin Miller for your leadership and collaboration on this annual event.

On a personal note from Emily Long.

“I have now worked with H-E-B for seven years. It is hard to explain the beauty in the work culture that is H-E-B because it is so unique. Not only the diversity in their staffing or the equity in their management style but the kindness they show each other and unwavering support of charitable endeavors. H-E-B stores have individually supported JA, our local schools, and educators by not only donating to the bowl-a-thon but also by collaborating on educator recognition events, donating breakfast items, gift cards, water bottles, and much more.

H-E-B is more than just a workplace but it is a way of life. If you look up a Partner on LinkedIn, it probably won’t have a headshot or detailed information from past jobs. It usually only has H-E-B with a start date to present. H-E-B creates more than a group of work colleagues selling groceries but a family working to do more and be more for their communities. I am truly honored that I and JA of Central Texas have been invited in to that family.”

#HelpingHere #HEB4JA