Girl Empowerment Network Partners with JA for the E2: Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Experience

Partnering with Girl Empowerment Network(GEN), we along with our dedicated volunteers, Jen Ream, Debra Sherrill, Jing Osborn, and Dina Smither delivered JA It’s My Business!® to the young people attending the GEN camp, Own Your Power: Find Your Voice.

This camp’s focus was on igniting the belief in one’s own abilities and discovering the leader in you! During the camp these elementary and middle school girls worked with the GEN staff on crafting, yoga, a talent show, singing, games, and more. JA contributed the opportunity to work with local professional mentors to ideate, plan, and present a business pitch for a company concept of their own creation with the JA It’s My business program!

There were a bunch of great ideas! The students worked hard and really put entrepreneurial thinking into action. Some of the concepts included an animal rescue house, an app for all things animals including a pet locator, rescue information, what to do if your pet is hurt, etc… Another app was called, KnockKnock - a drone delivery service. Another group pitched a safety watch for children featuring a locator and the ability to call their parents. Last but not least, the 8th graders presented a new spin on glasses. They were all the things you could ever want. they were customizable, sustainable, fashionable and embedded a social impact by included a buy a pair and they will donate a pair to someone in need.

Thank you to Accenture for sponsoring this program!
