512Finds and 3d Hub, JA Company Programs at Round Rock High School earned almost $700.00!
512Finds took clothes donations sorted through them, sold the good ones, and donated the rest. They had almost no start-up expenses. Their initial $5 shares were worth $17+ at close out. One of the students in 512Finds said, “Marketing is a lot of hard work, much harder than I thought.”
3D Hub saw a need to easy restless minds and hands. They embodied the maker spirit to create fidgit toys with a 3D printer then sold them.
JA Company Program (JACoPro) is not just a special experience because they learn about marketing, sales, supply chain, finance, etc… but because what they are doing is not just a theoretical but the students run REAL companies from ideation to liquidation. JACoPro is a hands-on actual entrepreneurial experience guided by a mentor.
Thank you to Bill Taylor and Paul Masscheline for your dedication as JACoPro mentors to these JA students!