Volunteering as a Corporate Benefit


By Carol Urton

Gone are the days of blank checks going to charities from corporations. In today’s world of giving, corporations look to target their philanthropic support in ways that match what their employees are most passionate about.  

An opportunity to volunteer through your workplace or an established Corporate Social Responsibility program has major unseen benefits. Employees who volunteer are happier, make new workplace friendships, learn new skills, feel healthier and in many ways – advance their career.  

In my opinion, as a CSR leader for six years, the mindfulness that comes from volunteering is the most fascinating unseen benefit. When people get to know the organizations they partner with, they begin to understand the needs of their communities. This also brings an awareness of the many additional things they can do to help. When co-workers volunteer together, they build stronger relationships with each other. This is especially important for those with roles that require long hours of solo work and remote workers. 

When leaders get involved, it gives employees an opportunity to get exposure to people in the company they might not otherwise get to interact with.  Employees get involved on a deeper level when they are engaged in an activity in which the playing field is level. It’s important for leaders to set the pace of community involvement and set the example by taking their valuable time to do something for the greater good.

Experian is a proud supporter of Junior Achievement (JA) of Central Texas.  We do this by participating in the amazing programs JA has to promote financial health. In May 2020, we will send 80 volunteers to participate in “JA in a Day” to promote financial literacy among elementary school children.  We are also excited to sponsor the 2020 JA F.E.M Forum. When companies invest in people through volunteering efforts, it allows them to give back to their communities and feel good about doing good. At Experian, we believe sustainability is fundamental to creating a better tomorrow. This means working with integrity, valuing our people, investing in our communities and unlocking the power of data for social innovation.

The component that holds all of this together is the relationships we build with each other, with nonprofits and with the people they serve. Building relationships, using our talents, and investing time and resources for causes that matter to us has the power to change the world.

Carol Urton is a Director, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability at Experian. Experian is a School Sponsor of the 2020 JA F.E.M. Forum and a longstanding supporter of JA’s mission that “Opportunity is for Everyone.”

Austin companies of all shapes and sizes are encouraging financial literacy and equity dialogue by supporting the JA F.E.M. Forum on Thursday, April 2nd, 2020. JA F.E.M. Forum brings together professional women with female students over breakfast for a morning of networking, mentoring and financial education. It’s the only event of its kind in Austin, the biggest annual fundraiser for JA Central Texas, and is designed for companies and business leaders who believe #FinancialEquityMatters. Learn more about the event and how you can support here.